The soiling measurements generated using the DustIQ help PV plant operators schedule panel cleaning on demand in order to cut costs and maximize the energy output. Visit us at Booth #420 for more.
Contributed by | Lufft
Tell us about your company.
OTT HydroMet
“Provide trusted insights into Water and Weather to protect the environment and lives”
We go beyond simply providing solutions by partnering with our customers in designing effective answers to the challenges they encounter in their vital role of monitoring the environment. With over 500 years of combined experience in environmental monitoring, OTT HydroMet’s six divisions offer the combined strength and expertise of leaders in solar monitoring, water quality and quantity, and surface weather. At SPI 2018, visitors of booth number 420 can expect the unveiling of the latest product developments by our most recent group additions, Lufft and Kipp & Zonen.
Lufft specializes in intelligent, precision weather sensors to monitor the key environmental parameters for power generation. Available in various all-in-one combinations to be the needs of your PV plant, our weather sensors will help you accurately measure air temperature, pressure, humidity, back of module temperature, wind speed and direction, and precipitation intensity, type, and amount. This year at SPI we present the new WS10 all-in-one weather station for commercial and industrial PV installations, come see what makes this cost-effective sensor the right choice for your next project.
At Kipp & Zonen our experts develop high quality instruments to measure global, direct, diffuse and plane of array solar irradiance. From our well-known CMP and innovative Smart SMP ranges of pyranometers, to the new all-in-one solar monitoring tracker system the RaZON+, we offer high value solutions. Our sensors provide the consistent accuracy you require to know your solar energy project is achieving the targeted performance ratio and when to schedule site maintenance. At this year’s SPI we proudly present the new DustIQ: a novel system to measure soiling of PV panels. Want to be the first to find out more? Stop by our booth for an interactive demonstration.
When accuracy matters, measure with OTT HydroMet solutions.
Your company will be exhibiting at SPI 2018, what is it that makes this an important event for your company?
This will be the first event highlighting the joint expertise of Kipp & Zonen and Lufft in environmental monitoring, solar tracking, and systems integration. We are excited for the largest solar event of the year to present our monitoring solutions, especially the new DustIQ soiling sensor and the WS10 all-in-one weather sensor.
Highlight 2 or 3 products you will be showcasing at the event.
The soiling measurements generated using the DustIQ help PV plant operators schedule panel cleaning on demand in order to cut costs and maximize the energy output.
A two-in-one smart sensor that measures POA irradiance and back of module temperature in an easy to install housing shaped to minimize maintenance.
This cost effective, smart, all-in-one weather station, designed for the commercial and industrial PV markets, makes a total of ten weather measurements in a single housing.
SPI 2018 has many educational sessions & demo’s. Is your company involved in any of them this year?
We will be presenting a poster on the novel DustIQ technology as part of the Technical Symposium! Our booth will feature our two newest products, the DustIQ soiling sensor and the WS10 10-parameter weather sensor. We will also present other recent developments, such as the RT1 and RaZON+, and our tried-and-true sensors including the CMP/SMP pyranometers, WS500 and 600 weather sensors, and the Solys2 tracking system. There will be two interactive displays of the DustIQ to demonstrate how the sensor monitors soiling. Whether your use them alone, together, or integrated into a larger system, we invite you to come and learn how our sensors help PV plant owners increase profits.
When you get a chance to walk the exhibit hall floor yourself, what is it you will be most interested to see? Any educational sessions you plan on attending?
When we get the opportunity to walk the floor, we want to see our amazing customers, as well as explore the new technologies being brought to the market.
When you book a booth for a tradeshow like this what are your expectations and what does your company hope to accomplish at the event?
We host a booth to give our customers a chance to see and feel our equipment for themselves. We value the opportunity to meet with people and offer our expertise in environmental monitoring. We want to show the market that Kipp & Zonen and Lufft are one team as members of OTT HydroMet and introduce our new and recent sensor developments we designed to help our customers get the most out of their PV installations.
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