We will be providing more information on our newest addition to our product line, the DSS® distributed storage solution, which is designed for commercial and industrial customers seeking to take control of their electricity usage and costs.
Intersolar Q&A with NEC Energy Solutions
Contributed by | NEC Energy Solutions
Your company will be exhibiting at Intersolar / EES, what is it that makes this an important event for your company?
Intersolar is becoming one of the premier energy storage events in the world, and is already one of the largest solar events. With the over 40,000 attendees interested in PV + storage, it is a great event to increase visibility of our company’s products and services in energy storage.
What can a visitor to your booth expect to see this year?
In the NEC Energy Solutions booth, visitors can check out information of our range of battery and energy storage products, as well as mockups of our 12V battery line and compatible charge controllers. Our interactive display will allow one to travel around the world virtually and tour each of our megawatt-scale energy storage projects, view the full lineup of our configurable GSS® grid energy storage platform, as well as our smaller DSS® distributed energy storage platform, and have e-literature sent out to their inbox immediately vs carrying around lots of paper brochures.
Any new products you will be introducing?
We will be providing more information on our newest addition to our product line, the DSS® distributed storage solution, which is designed for commercial and industrial customers seeking to take control of their electricity usage and costs.
When you get a chance to walk the exhibit hall floor yourself, what is it you will be most interested to see?
I personally am interested in seeing a lot of the new energy storage technologies that may be on display. Since we are an energy storage system integrator, we are always interested in seeing new cell and battery technologies that might play an important part in our product and service offering. My formal education is in materials science and engineering, and thus it’s an area that I like to dig into when I have a chance to walk the floor.
When you book a booth for a tradeshow like this what are your expectations and what does your company hope to accomplish at the event?
At an event like Intersolar we expect strong traffic, a large number of visitors to our booth, high quality lead generation, and networking opportunities. Ultimately we want to create sales opportunities, but building awareness of the strength of NEC in the energy storage industry is also quite important, and we do this with in-depth discussions between visitors and our knowledgeable staff.
What are some of the more recent news from your company?
Energy storage installed in the electricity grid is becoming more commonplace, and since January, we’ve got over 100 MW of projects under construction around the world. In fact, in Germany, we are building largest battery system in Europe for a joint venture between Mitsubishi and Eneco. This will be a 48MW system located in Jardelund in the northernmost part of the country. This battery system will be providing a critical grid reliability service called Primary Reserve, which stabilizes the grid during frequency fluctuations to keep electricity generation and consumption in balance.
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