Roof Tech will be showcasing the Gen II (Roof Techs second generation) rail-less PV mounting system with the same Integrated Flashing certified by the ICC (International Code Council), however with fewer parts, more adjustability and an improved 20yr. limited warranty

Intersolar Q&A with Milton Nogueira of Roof-Tech

Milton Nogueira | Roof-Tech

Your company will be exhibiting at Intersolar / EES, what is it that makes this an important event for your company?

ISNA is an important venue to the Solar Industry.

Every year the solar industry brings its innovative approach to the exhibit floors.

Being an innovative company, Roof Tech has made a commitment to it and has participated at Intersolar every year since its inception.  ISNA has been an important vehicle for Roof tech to demonstrate its approach to the mounting of PV systems with its rail-less RT-[E] Mount system consisting of integrated flashing third part certified by the ICC (International Code Council).


What can a visitor to your booth expect to see this year?

Roof Tech will be showcasing the Gen II (Roof Tech’s second generation) rail-less PV mounting system with the same Integrated Flashing certified by the ICC (International Code Council), however with fewer parts, more adjustability and an improved 20yr. limited warranty

Installers already claim saving time up on the roof to about 50% or half the time it used to take before Roof Tech so with GEN II I can certainly see it becoming even quicker.


When you get a chance to walk the exhibit hall floor yourself, what is it you will be most interested to see?

Old friends and new ideas and of course what is the competitive approach


Intersolar / EES has many educational sessions, is your company involved in any of them this year?  

Yes, we are providing a hr. NABCEP training that covers the Roof Tech’s design approach, Certifications and Code. There is usually misunderstanding about flashing code and I like to cover that.

This presentation will be on Wednesday 12th at 12:45PM


When you book a booth for a tradeshow like this what are your expectations and what does your company hope to accomplish at the event?

Our accomplishment is to meet as many prospects as we can and touch base with our customers to learn more about ways we can be more effective. It is nice when everything comes together nicely. 



The content & opinions in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the views of AltEnergyMag

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