Vast scope exists for exploitation of castor as a bioenergy crop although there are still some technological challenges to overcome. A combination of conventional breeding methods with biotechnological techniques provides newer routes for designing oils for biofuel purpose.
A Bean Called Castor Can Cut Carbon & Fuel the Future

Table 1. Area, Seed yield and total seed production of Castor
(FAOSTAT 2008)
Production area (ha)
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Total Production (MT)
861, 000
255, 000
245, 000
184, 231
130, 565
14, 500
15, 000
13, 430
10, 492
10, 000
11, 000
1369, 720
1314, 193
In the recent past, castor has assumed priority as it is an undemanding non-edible oilseed crop which can thrive well in a variety of climatic, rainfall and soil conditions besides being renewable and completely biodegradable and is easily adaptable for tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions. It avoids the competition on land use for food and animal fodder. The crop is toxic and not browsed by cattle. Castor also holds promise in augmenting and buffering the variation in the tree oilseeds productivity both as sole crop, intercrop or perennial shrub. Castor is naturalized and cultivated in all temperate countries of the world. Castor has the advantage of the availability of world class technologies and varieties and hybrids suited for different climatic conditions. Castor has the potential to yield 350-650 kg of oil per hectare under rainfed cultivation and 800-1200 kg oil per hectare under irrigated conditions. Castor has the potential to yield up to 4-5 tonnes per hectare to obtain a maximum of 2000 kg/ha of oil. Estimated CO2 absorption level of castor bean plants is 34.6 tonnes per hectare with 2 growing cycles/year. The use of castor oil as biodiesel has proven to have technical and ecological benefits and provides opportunities for agricultural development in marginal and sub-marginal lands.
Castor as a Biodiesel Crop

The key factors that can influence the oil yield of Castor Plant are:
- Climate
- Quality of the soil
- Seed Rate
- Spacing
- Plant Population
- Nursery
- Transplanting
- Irrigation
- Weeding
- Use of fertilizer
- High-quality stock from superior Genotype
- Use of pesticide
- Inter-cropping
- Harvesting
CJP carefully manages Castor Plant cultivation, with advanced crop practices suitable to local soil, weather, pest, and disease conditions to ensure the high amount of oil as we have developed enhanced technology with regards to:-
- Planting materials & other inputs
- Crop Management
- Irrigation Management
- Fertilizer Management
- Pest & Diseases management.
- Harvesting Management
- Post harvest management
- And finally grading for further process
The key factors governing profitability of large scale production are:
- Selection of high yielding varieties with suitable marketable quality.
- Sowing in a proper season, in compliance with the latest agro techniques.
- Pest control
- Management of companion crops
- Adoption of post harvest management.
CJP’s Researchers have developed standardized techniques for growing Castor Plant on large scale. CJP ensures Organic Castor plantation right from the land preparation, crop management to production of end product. CJP Castor oil Farms are under the vigilant supervision of agronomists, who make sure that the latest and best breed of Castor Plant, is being planted. However, we keep a close watch on the research results of Castor Plant breeding by studying thousands of Castor Plant variants, identifying and collecting the best sources of high-quality. This not only removed the uncertainty from the yield, it also provides multiple harvests within a few months. Accordingly, the enhanced variety of castor with regards to seed yield and oil yield and the enhanced castor Cultivation techniques may ensure proper and profitable production of the OIL CROP providing early fruition and flowering. We have released “Castor Cultivation Technology” at an affordable Price
Castor as a biofuel crop

Castor oil is the only oil soluble in alcohol and does not require the consequent energy requirement in transesterification as for other vegetable oils. Castor oil has a good shelf life when compared to other vegetable oils and it does not turn rancid when subjected to excessive heat. The oil is four times more stable than olive oil. The high viscosity, high water content, higher compressibility than other vegetable oils, reduction of about 10% of hydroxyl and acid values if stored for about 90 days and the premium price of castor oil are the major issues limiting the use of straight castor oil as a fuel for internal combustion engines (Scholz and da Silva, 2008). However, the limit values of viscosity, density and cetane number can be met through transesterification followed by dilution or blending with conventional diesel fuel and other vegetable oils (
Table 2: Fuel specific properties of castor oil
Castor oil
Seed oil content (5)
Molecular weight
Melting point
5 0C
Solidification point
-12 0C to -18 0C
Viscosity (dPa.s)
Ash content
Calorific value (MJ/kg)
Iodine value
Cetane value (Flammability)
Density (g/ml)
Flash point
260 0C
Kinematic viscosity (400C) mm2s-1
Water content (%)
While efforts are underway for development of very low toxic castor, experiments are being undertaken for production of genetically engineered ricin in heterologous systems which have implications in biodefense, treatment of AIDS, cancer immunotherapy besides use in disease-model systems such as those involving apoptosis. Production of pharmaceutically important compounds in plants is an area of interest that is rapidly expanding during the past two decades,
Economic Evaluation of Castor Farming

Biodiesel Financial Highlights
10000 ha Biodiesel Project $ 1.7 M
Oil yield per hectare 1.0 tones
Total Oil revenues $ 900 /ha per year
Oil revenues net of operating costs $ 400/ha per year
The financial highlights outlined above have the potential to be exceeded by +50% because of incorporate of companion crop.
Estimates of yields, prices and cost vary greatly, making it difficult for potential growers to make informed investment decision about growing the crop. The lack o f agronomic data about castor growing makes it impossible to make investment decision on castor growing with the confidence and certainty associated with a decision to grow the crop. We identify the Key elements in growing castor and their effects examined. And provide accurate information about the crop for potential castor investors and growers after performing feasibility study.
CJP can help clients identify the needs, opportunities and solutions of their local, regional and national markets. By identifying these needs and providing management direction, CJP can help in creating a perfect business plan in order to develop and manage an effective and successful biodiesel facility. The most critical component of any business plan is the pro forma, an educated view or projection of what the performance of a company is capable of, given a specific set of assumptions and conditions. CJP has been involved in identifying these needs for specific projects for a number of years and can help develop a realistic and obtainable:
- Income Statement
- Balance Sheet
- Capital Budget
- Cash Flow
- Break-even Analysis
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Assumptions Governing the Projections
These projections will be valuable in determining feasibility of the project, securing financing, attracting investment and guiding management so that the company can reach its full potential.
The Prospective Project developer may contact CJP for execution of feasibility study and formation of castor biodiesel business plan
Vast scope exists for exploitation of castor as a bioenergy crop although there are still some technological challenges to overcome. A combination of conventional breeding methods with biotechnological techniques provides newer routes for designing oils for biofuel purpose. CJP provide a set of Castor Energy Project Services to develop and deign your successful castor biodiesel Project.
The content & opinions in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the views of AltEnergyMag
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