Bio-Lipid oil can also be used to produce one of the lowest cost and most environmentally friendly fuels known to man: bio-diesel. Bio-diesel made from bio-lipid oil, from micro-algae, burns cleaner, produces less CO2 (with no sulfur dioxide emissions) than petroleum based diesel fuels, and it's renewable and sustainable.

Cultured Micro-Algae Produces Omega-3 Bio-Lipid Oil

Bio-Lipids Technology Group | Bio-Lipids Technology Group

Cultured Micro-Algae Produces Om
Bio-Lipid oil can also be used to produce one of the lowest cost and most environmentally friendly fuels known to man: bio-diesel.  Bio-diesel made from bio-lipid oil, from micro-algae, burns cleaner, produces less CO2 (with no sulfur dioxide emissions) than petroleum based diesel fuels, and it's renewable and sustainable.
Cultured Micro-Algae Produces Omega-3 Bio-Lipid Oil
Bio-Lipids Technology Group, LLC

We are in trouble.  Fuel costs are escalating daily while more carbon is being dumped into the atmosphere than ever before.  Future reliance on foreign oil is not an option.  Only an economically viable alternative that addresses both the atmospheric/environmental issues as well as oil dependency issues could help this situation.

The utilization of feedstock crops help, but are not a long term viable alternative.  Soy oil, palm oil and all other oils produced from terrestrial crops can not be cultured in large enough quantities to satisfy the needs of the transportation industry, due to the lack of available land (in most countries, including the United States) and the inability of any terrestrial plant to produce oil at a high enough efficiency rate. 

The solution is aquatic micro-algae.

Why Choose Micro-Algae?

It's simple: Micro-algae can produce 150-200 times more bio-lipid oil than any other feedstock or terrestrial plant (or seed) on a per-acre per-year basis.  The bio-lipid oil that comes from micro-algae is primarily Omega-3 oil.  This essential oil, "essential" means that the human body can not produce this oil, has tremendous health benefits for the heart, the brain, the eyes and is required for proper fetal neural development.  In addition, it is an anti-cancer agent, it reduces plaque in arteries, lowers cholesterol, strengthens the immune system and helps most major organs function properly. 

Bio-Lipid oil can also be used to produce one of the lowest cost and most environmentally friendly fuels known to man: bio-diesel.  Bio-diesel made from bio-lipid oil, from micro-algae, burns cleaner, produces less CO2 (with no sulfur dioxide emissions) than petroleum based diesel fuels, and it's renewable and sustainable.  The algae used to produce the bio-lipid oil actually eats (absorbs) CO2 from the atmosphere, thereby reducing dangerous, greenhouse gases (factors that cause global warming).

All species of micro-algae produce bio-lipid oil.  There are, however, certain species which produce up to 75% of their dry weight in bio-lipid oil.  Each individual unicellular alga is essentially a miniature bio-lipid factory.  Each individual cell is also very small.  Due to the fact that the cells reproduce on an exponential basis, where two cells become four become eight become sixteen, and so forth, the biomass of algal cells becomes a tremendously huge number in a matter of hours or days.  Couple this phenomenal growth rate with the fact that each cell has between 50% and 75% of its weight as pure bio-lipid oil (Omega-3 oil) and the result is natures fastest and most efficient producer of bio-lipid oil known to mankind.

Because each individual algal cell is grown in suspension in the water column, it is continuously bombarded with sunshine.  Photosynthesis is the main metabolic pathway for the growth of the cell and the production of bio-lipid oil.  Other pathways exist, such as heterotrophic pathways, which also produce phenomenal quantities of bio-lipid oil.  The choice to use the photosynthetic pathway falls in line with Bio-Lipid Technologies, Group, LLC.'s extensive (as opposed to intensive) approach to bio-lipid production.   Intensive densities will be realized during the algal production phase, but low cost productivity is one of the essential goals. 

Bio-lipid oil can be produced for substantially less than it costs to produce a gallon or barrel of petroleum based oil; but only if production costs are conscientiously kept to a minimum.  Even the production of soy or canola oil (or any other vegetable based oil) costs considerably more to produce than bio-lipid oil from micro-algae. 

Micro-algal cells can be grown in fresh, brackish or salt water and can double in population, exponentially, on an every day basis.  This means that instead of a crop like soy beans which may take six months to produce oil, micro-algae can produce 15-20 crops for every one that a soy bean produces.  Micro-algae not only produces 10-20 times faster than every other terrestrial oil crop, but also produces 30-50 times more oil per unit dry-weight basis, than all other terrestrial feedstock crop species.

Omega 3 oil produced by aquatic micro-algae can be sold as pure Omega 3 fatty acid oil, processed into biodiesel or sold to the health or cosmetic industry.  It is well established that the benefit of eating seafood is due to the consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids.  Omega 3 fatty acids significantly contribute to better health by lowering cholesterol levels and are established anti-cancer fighting agents

After years of privately funding their own research, the Bio-Lipids Technology Group, LLC has opened their doors to transferring their technology to public and private companies around the world.  The company utilizes the strengths of its "advisory board", made up of the world's top scientists in the fields of petroleum engineering, chemical engineering, aquaculture, economics and nutrition, to custom develop implementation plans for its clients.  Projects are currently being planned throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America, along with those that are in construction currently.

The company takes an "extensive" approach to culturing algae and can even produce organically certified bio-lipid oil.  Utilization of existing, but non-operational shrimp ponds, salt flats or fish ponds is the preferred method. 

Major markets for the production of bio-lipid oil includes: biodiesel, fish-feed (and shrimp-feed) and pharmaceuticals.  Recently, world wide organic standards disallowed use of fish meal as the protein source for organic shrimp operations.  Organic shrimp farmers around the world are desperately seeking another form of organic protein for their shrimp feed.  Bio-lipid oil produced from micro-algae is the best solution for this problem.  The Omega-3 bio-lipid oil can directly replace fish meal as the source of protein.  This now eliminates the monopoly that fishmeal has on the aquaculture industry.  In addition, the cost to produce bio-lipid oil is significantly less than the purchase price of fish oils and petroleum based diesel fuels.

Micro-algae production is enhanced when other aquatic species are cultured in conjunction, to provide essential nutrients for the growth of the micro-algae.  This approach allows for the continuance of the culture of the existing species, while producing a secondary crop (bio-lipid oil) that may be more valuable than the primary species.

Currently, there are approximately 50 companies that are attempting to culture micro-algae for bio-lipids.  Only a few of them have been marginally successful.   What separates Bio-Lipids Technology Group, LLC. from all of these companies comes down to two basic facts:  First, Bio-Lipids Technology Group LLC. has mastered the techniques to produce vast quantities of bio-lipid oil and second, Bio-lipid Technology Group does not sell bio-lipid oil or bio-diesel.  Bio-Lipid Technology Group, LLC. trains groups, all over the world, to produce their own bio-lipid oil from micro-algae.  All of the other companies involved with the culture of micro-algae for bio-lipids are trying to sell bio-lipid oil or bio-diesel. 

By training governments and private companies, Bio-Lipid Technology Group, LLC., allows the entire world to be it's own supplier of bio-diesel and bio-lipid Omega 3 oils.  This will eliminate the dependency that the world has for petroleum based fuels and will aid in reducing the rate at which carbon has is being added to the atmosphere.

For more information please email:

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