Thanks to a wide variety of new composting products on the market, home composting is now quicker and easier than ever. Moreover, with many new compost bins and tumblers, there is no need to have an unattractive compost pile in the corner of your yard at all.

No More Excuses! Home Composting is Easier than Ever

Kent Swanson

No More Excuses
Thanks to a wide variety of new composting products on the market, home composting is now quicker and easier than ever. Moreover, with many new compost bins and tumblers, there is no need to have an unattractive compost pile in the corner of your yard at all.
No More Excuses! Home Composting is Easier than Ever
by Kent Swanson

According to the Environmental Defense Fund, 18% of the waste that the average family in the U.S. produces comes from the yard and garden. Additionally, some studies report that garden and yard debris can make up the bulk of the garbage delivered to the municipal landfill during the summer and fall. This is an astonishing amount of garbage that could easily be put to good use. How? By composting this material back into your garden.

In addition to helping reduce the amount of garbage you send to the local dump, composting can benefit your home and garden in several ways. Adding compost to your soil is one the best ways that you can improve the health of your garden plants and make them more resistant to pests and disease. Also, soils rich in organic material have improved drainage, better water retention, and better air circulation. This means that your plants require less water, less fertilizer and less maintenance.

Unfortunately, many people avoid composting because they associate it with a large, unsightly compost pile that smells funny and attracts rodents and other pests. This is actually a pretty inaccurate view of composting, but many people are also deterred by the fact that compost piles need to be mixed in order to fully decompose garden and kitchen waste. Indeed, this can involve heavy work with a pitch fork depending on how big your compost pile is.

However, thanks to a wide variety of new composting products on the market, home composting is now quicker and easier than ever. Moreover, with many new compost bins and tumblers, there is no need to have an unattractive compost pile in the corner of your yard at all.

For example, the Australian Tumbler Composter is a new product on the market that holds up to 58 gallons worth of kitchen scraps and yard waste. What makes this product great is that you simply need to spin it on a daily basis to fully mix your kitchen scraps and yard waste to active the composting process. Additionally, although the traditional compost pile may take several months to produce organic compost, this Tumbler will have your compost ready in less than a month.

In addition to recycling yard and garden debris, many homeowners make use of their organic kitchen waste to add to their compost piles. Things like melon rinds, coffee grounds, tea bags, and fruit peels make excellent compost. However, most people don't like to have a pile of these scraps sitting on their kitchen counter. Innovative products such as this stainless steel compost pail make it easy to save your kitchen scraps until they're ready for the compost bin. This compost pail is easy to store under your kitchen sink, and thanks to a carbon filter, there is virtually no odor.

If you're new to composting, you should educate yourself on how to properly prepare your waste for composting, and what you can and can't put in your compost bin. Learning the basics of composting will save you a lot of trouble in the future and will improve the quality of your compost. Please see the Compost Guide for more details. Also, check out the Compost Blog for daily updates on composting news, innovations, and more.

About the author: Kent Swanson is a freelance writer specializing in environmental issues. He lives in Mexico City and is the author of two websites related to Mexico:

Festival of Mexico Folk Art Guide: 

Aztec Gardens, Plants and Recipes from Mexico and Mesoamerica: 

The content & opinions in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the views of AltEnergyMag

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