The automobile manufacturers claim that very few people (apparently less than 1000 people in the USA) are willing to buy electric automobiles. However, I know many of us would like to "refuel" our cars by plugging them into an electric outlet at home. If we work together by educating the public, the news media, and the automobile manufacturers, we can make production volume electric automobiles and Grid Rechargeable (plug-in) electric-biodiesel hybrid automobiles a reality.
Advantages of Electric Automobiles
Gavin Young | Electric Automobile Advocats
The automobile manufacturers claim that very few people (apparently less than 1000 people in the USA) are willing to buy electric automobiles. However, I know many of us would like to "refuel" our cars by plugging them into an electric outlet at home. If we work together by educating the public, the news media, and the automobile manufacturers, we can make production volume electric automobiles and Grid Rechargeable (plug-in) electric-biodiesel hybrid automobiles a reality.
Here are a few advantages of Electric Automobiles
- Powered by local energy instead of petroleum oil from foreign countries
- Zero tail pipe emissions (completely zero emisions if the electricity comes from hydro, solar, or wind power, such as from PGE's renewable electricity options)
- 4 times more energy efficient (80 % efficient) than gasoline powered internal combustion engine automobiles (20 % efficient)
- Can be refueled at home overnight while we sleep (while taking advantage of lower electric utility rates), thus no pumping of gasoline and no waiting in line at gasoline stations
- No time and money spent on: motor oil and motor oil filter changes, radiator fills and flushes, transmission flushes and repairs, clutch repairs, engine tune ups, DEQ emission testing, etc.
- If the vehicle is a Grid Rechargeable (plug-in) capable hybrid electric-biodiesel (or diesel or gasoline) automobile, the car has all of electric automobile advantages for short trips plus the range & fast refueling advantages of internal combustion engine automobiles!
It is time that pure electric automobiles and Grid Rechargeable (plug-in) capable hybrid electric-biodiesel automobiles be made available for purchase by the public. While the Toyota Prius, Honda Insight, and Honda Civic Hybrid are excellent gasoline-electric hybrid cars, they can not be plugged into an electrical outlet to be recharged. As a result, these Toyota and Honda cars get all of their energy (including their electrical energy) from the gasoline that goes into the tank.
Refute the False Claims of
the Major Automobile Manufacturers
& Help Spread the Word of Electric Automobiles!
The automobile manufacturers claim that very few people (apparently less than 1000 people in the USA) are willing to buy electric automobiles. However, I know many of us would like to "refuel" our cars by plugging them into an electric outlet at home. If we work together by educating the public, the news media, and the automobile manufacturers, we can make production volume electric automobiles and Grid Rechargeable (plug-in) electric-biodiesel hybrid automobiles a reality. Lets prove the automakers wrong by starting a petition listing people who want to buy electric automobiles and plug-in electric-biodiesel hybrids. Rather than relying on political means, I believe we can effect positive change via education and the influence of our buying power. If you feel the same, please contact me so that we can achieve our goals!
If you live in Beaverton, Oregon or any other part of the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area, I invite you to meet with me in person so that we can create an impressive organization whose collective voice will be widely heard! I am willing to network/coordinate with existing Electric Vehicle and environmental organizations and websites in order to more effectively promote our common cause.
Gavin G. Young
Electric Automobile Advocates
PO Box 2158 Beaverton, OR 97075-2158
The Electric Automobile Advocates website, was was founded by Gavin G. Young who is also the owner of Renewable Electricity Solutions. It is hoped that many people will work together via the Electric Automobile Advocates website, to actively promote electric automobiles (including plug-in hybrids) to the news media and automobile manufacturers. Though electric automobiles and plug-in hybrids are not readily available at this time, Renewable Electricity Solutions does sell electric scooters and electric bicycles.
About Renewable
Electricity Solutions
Renewable Electricity Solutions was founded by Gavin G. Young to provide
21st century energy alternatives to meet the growing need for environmentally
sound energy sources. The business accomplishes this by selling photovoltaic
(solar electric power) modules/panels, wind generators, micro-hydro generators,
deep cycle batteries, charge controllers, DC to AC power inverters, energy
efficient appliances, energy efficient LED lighting, electric scooters, and much
more. In addition, it provides information on renewable energy (solar hot water,
solar air heating, solar cooking, solar electric power, wind power, micro-hydro
power, fuel cells, etc.), energy conservation, electric automobiles, and
The content & opinions in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the views of AltEnergyMag
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